Bike+Ride with Book-n-Park - Good news for Schleswig-Holstein

Modern mobility in Schleswig-Holstein: The new Bike+Ride systems of the funding program

Through funding from the state of Schleswig-Holstein, 1 million euros were made available for new, state-of-the-art bike+ride facilities - many cities have already jumped on this bandwagon! Because future-proof bike rides offer tangible advantages for municipalities: car-free local transport is promoted and thus CO2 is saved, and parking spaces and inner-city traffic conditions are also relaxed.

Uncomplicated thanks to modular construction, framework agreement and simple digital administration

As a funding agency, the Schleswig-Holstein transport association has designed its bike ride program for efficient implementation: flexibly adaptable thanks to modular design, cost-effective thanks to framework agreements and fixed prices. Practice shows that municipalities benefit from quick implementation and planning security. With digital administration and refinancing models, it is also possible to keep operating costs manageable.

The practice at the train stations in Schleswig-Holstein: Book-n-Park in action for the mobility transition

Depending on the municipality, the Bike+Ride projects are currently in different stages of completion: In Tornesch (Figure 1), the topping-out ceremony was just celebrated in the presence of the mayor, Ms. Kählert, and the representative, Mr. Schulz. The Bike+Ride bicycle spaces also include collective locking systems with integrated lockers for helmets, rain jackets, etc. - Book-n-Park supplies the access control and software for this. At Ulzburg-Süd train station, our technical team is currently busy installing and checking (pictures 2 & 3), the system is about to be put into operation. At Ascheberg train station you can already see a system from the first construction phase in operation (Figure 4). As you can see, the mobility transition in Schleswig-Holstein is really gaining momentum - has your community already jumped on this bandwagon?

Interested in Bike+Ride with Book-n-Park? Then just talk to us!